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The Contraceptive Technology innovation (CTI) Exchange brings together a consortium of global partners to generate and share resources on contraceptive research, development, registration, and introduction.



The CTI Exchange provides a platform for partners to share information and resources that support contraceptive research, development, registration, and introduction with an emphasis on expanding access in low-resource settings. The site includes information about early- and late-stage contraceptive technologies that are under development, resources on product testing and quality assurance, international regulatory requirements, and strategies for product introduction. 

What We Do

Over the past several decades, overall investment in contraceptive research and development has declined dramatically. To ensure that new methods advance through the development pipeline and that there is equitable access to the final products, substantial investments will be required. It is essential that donors, academia, nongovernmental organizations, and private industry work together to find innovative solutions to better meet the contraceptive needs of women and men worldwide. Through global knowledge sharing, the CTI Exchange can facilitate this process.

Why the CTI Exchange?

Information available in the CTI Exchange is relevant for:

  • Product developers

  • Manufacturers

  • Procurement Groups

We encourage you to contribute your resources, questions, and ideas.

Our Partners

  • Clinical Researchers

  • Distributors

  • Service Delivery Orgs

This work is coordinated by FHI 360 under the Contraceptive Technology Innovation Initiative with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Contact us for more information. 

We thank the organizations who reviewed and provided feedback on the CTI Exchange including: CAMI, members of the Generic Manufacturers (GEMs) Caucus, the Global Health Technologies CoalitionK4HealthMarie Stopes InternationalMedicines360Microchips BiotechNational Institutes of Health, and PATH.

We also thank the individuals and organizations who contribute content to the Exchanges blog.


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Image credits

  • Jessica Scranton/FHI 360

  • Animation Graphics from

Site design by Bailey Knight and Stephanie Jaffe

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