The Global Health Science and Practice Technical Exchange (GHTechX) is an annual event for the global health community to share state-of-the-art evidence-based best practices and information across a variety of technical areas, including family planning.
The GHTechX convenes a diverse group of professionals from across the globe and encourages cross-national collaboration. This event will be held over the course of 4 days and will include a mix of both live and recorded sessions, as well as networking opportunities. You can view the full agenda here and register to attend here.
A few of the sessions we are looking forward to:
Wednesday, April 21, 12:15-1:15pm EDT: Racism in Global Health: We are Too White and Too Old
Wednesday, April 21, 12:15-1:15pm EDT: Prevent Pregnancy? There's an App for That!: Analysis of the Current Evidence and Latest Developments in Fertility Awareness Based Methods of Family Planning
Thursday, April 22, 8-9am EDT: Together We Decide: Using Behavioral Science and Male Engagement to Improve Contraceptive Uptake in Eastern Uganda
Thursday, April 22, 8-8:30am EDT: Contraceptive-Induced Menstrual Changes – A Call to Action
Thursday, April 22, 8-8:30am EDT: The Highs, the Lows, and the Squishy Middle of Contraceptive Product Introduction
Thursday, April 22, 8-8:30am EDT: The Power of MPTs: Combining Prevention of HIV, other STIs, and Pregnancy
Friday, April 23, 6:30-7am EDT: Creditworthy Skill Building: Integrating Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives Within Youth Friendly Services (YFS) to Adolescents and Youth in Ethiopia
Friday, April 23, 7:15-8:45am EDT: 3 New Game-Changers for Getting Evidence and Experience into Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs / 3 Nouvelles Innovations pour Intégrer les Données Probantes et l'Expérience dans les Programmes de Planification Familiale et de Santé de la Reproduction
Friday, April 23, 7:15-8:45am EDT: Locally Driven Country Research and Learning Agendas for Family Planning: Lessons Learned and Trends across Countries / Agendas Nationaux de Recherche et d'Apprentissage pour le Planning Familial, Pilotés Localement : Leçons Apprises et Tendances à Travers les Pays