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Easier Access to Emergency Contraception in Europe

More than 120 million women across the European Union will soon be able to access ellaOne® emergency contraception (EC) without a prescription, as HRA Pharma announced that the European Commission authorized ellaOne (ulipristal acetate, 30mg) to be sold over the counter (OTC) in pharmacies.

OTC access is important because EC works best when used in the first 24 hours after unprotected sex. Women will no longer be delayed in accessing EC while waiting for an appointment with a doctor.

OTC access to ellaOne will begin in some European countries as soon as February 2015, with full roll-out taking place across the European Union during the remainder of 2015.

First launched in 2009, ellaOne is currently marketed in more than 60 countries.

For more information, see the press release available on



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