Contraceptive-induced menstrual changes (CIMCs) contribute to both non-use and discontinuation of contraception. Reduced bleeding and amenorrhea (or paused bleeding) are common when using hormonal family planning methods and the copper IUD. Some family planning users who experience contraceptive-induced amenorrhea are concerned about health risks. We know from research that this includes concerns about the build-up of ‘bad’ or ‘dirty’ blood in the body that can adversely affect health. Engaging and creative methods are needed to educate current and future FP users and reassure them that CIMCs, particularly amenorrhea, are normal and not inherently harmful, and can even be beneficial.
Additionally, research conducted through the LEAP project has identified misconceptions around CIMCs and supports the need for this type of educational tool. Field-testing of the NORMAL counseling tool for menstrual bleeding changes also confirms this need.
In this context, the Youth Council has created a music video that rewrites the lyrics of Taylor Swift's well-known song "Bad Blood" to address concerns about contraceptive-induced mensural changes in a fresh, creative, and exciting way.
Watch the video above (or on our YouTube channel), read the full lyrics below, and help us share this video and spread he word on social media using #NoBadBlood!
“We Don't Have Bad Blood”
Lyrics by Lillian Rountree & Margaret Gaw
Song sung by Ogadimma Alilonu & video edited by Abdedaim Battioui
Because we don’t have bad blood
It’s nothing to be scared of
Just listen to our song
About how we only have good blood (Yeah!)
We all got problems
But blood isn't one of them
Some say blood builds up
With contraceptives, but it does not! (Hey!)
Do you use injectables? Paused bleeding is super common
Did you take birth control pills? It’s normal to have some bleeding or none
Did you get an IUD? Same story, and blood color varies
All these methods can cause change, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a success
Oh, it’s so sad to think about the bad times without access
‘Cause we just have good blood
It’s okay to have no or less flow
But if it’s not something you love
Let your health provider know! (Yeah)
You can save money and time
No or lighter flow can help you feel at your prime
Gain a sense of more control
And able to handle life’s other tolls (hey!)
Did you think it was wrong? Some still think periods build up
But think how periods work, birth control changes the uterine lining
Now did you think it all through? Period color can change too
And time can impact all these changes so keep that in mind
Oh, it’s so sad to think about the bad times without access
‘Cause it’s okay to see no blood
‘Cause we’re still protected
With time periods lighten
But it’s not a reason to be frightened! (Yeah!)
Old blood doesn’t exist
There’s no buildup of lining
So cramping and pain start declining
You can do activities you’d otherwise miss! (Yay!)
Blood doesn’t accumulate
Contraceptives change the game
Reduce menstrual cramping and pain
Blood doesn’t accumulate
Contraceptives change the game
Can lessen menstruation’s strain
There can be lots to gain
Mhmm if you love less flow, here you go
‘Cause it’s okay to see no blood
It’s nothin’ to be scared of
Just listen to our song
About how we only have good blood (yeah!)
We all got problems
But periods aren’t one of them
Some say blood builds up
With contraceptives, but it does not! (Hey!)
‘Cause we just have good blood
It’s nothin’ to be scared of
Just listen to our song
About how we only have good blood (yeah!)
We all got problems
But periods aren’t one of them
Some say blood builds up
With contraceptives, but it does not! (Hey!)