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Social Norms and Contraceptive R&D


On November 10, 2021 the Contraceptive Technology Innovation (CTI) Exchange hosted a discussion with social norms experts and contraceptive developers. This panel shed light on how and why social norms research can be important and useful for those working in contraceptive R&D, especially in ensuring that products are acceptable and accessible for the populations we are trying to reach.

The panel was moderated by Betsy Constenbader, senior scientist at FHI 360, and speakers included Gustavo Doncel, Scientific and Executive Director, CONRAD; Ben Cislaghi, Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; and Dagmawit Tewahido, Research Associate, Addis Continental Institute of Public Health. Watch the full video below.

Want to learn more about social norms research? Here is a list of resources from the the Social Norms Learning Collaborative's Align Platform organized by program phase:

Phase 1: Orientation to social norms

Phase 2: Social norms diagnosis

Phase 3: Norms-shifting intervention design

Phase 4: Implementation, monitoring, and evaluation; and expanding norms-shifting programs

Have thoughts on this topic or the Beginning with the End in Mind series overall? Post your ideas on Twitter and LinkedIn, tag @ctiexchange, and use the hashtag #NextGenFP.



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