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Tapping into Youth Voices to Address Inequities and Grow the Global Contraceptive R&D Ecosystem


Recently, FHI 360 intern and Youth Council member, Margaret Gaw, participated in a storytelling session at the Triangle Global Health Conference. She shared the story of expanding youth involvement on the CTI Exchange, something we continue to work on daily. Take a look at her video and abstract below.

Young people have the powerful potential to initiate innovative solutions to the most pressing global health challenges. Tapping into youth networks and expanding youth integration into the contraceptive research and development landscape may prove effective strategies to achieve better reproductive health outcomes worldwide. This is a story about a personal experience with youth advocacy in promoting health for everyone. It begins with the Contraceptive Technology Innovation (CTI) Exchange at FHI 360, a platform intended to grow the global contraceptive research and development ecosystem through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Through the CTI Exchange, last summer, I called for youth stakeholders in the field of contraceptive research and development. Soon, 40 passionate and talented young people from 11 countries joined the initiative to engage youth voices in the contraceptive R&D ecosystem and build up the next generation.



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