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Advance your contraceptive R&D career with these training, fellowship, and scholarship opportunities


We often talk about the future of contraceptive R&D, but the future leaders and researchers powering this innovation are just as important to support and promote!


The CTI Exchange recently launched its Youth Council! The Youth Council is a platform for connecting diverse and talented youth leaders, researchers, and stakeholders to build momentum around youth engagement in contraceptive R&D. It will bring together a group of young people from around the world to directly inform the work of the CTI Exchange. If you, or young people you know, would be interested in getting involved, please explore the CTI Exchange Youth Hub and feel free to reach out.


The Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) has announced the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Travel Fellowships for Underrepresented Minority Trainees and Junior Faculty. Underrepresented minority trainees and junior faculty are invited to apply for travel fellowships to the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction that happens each year. The next meeting will take place in Dublin, Ireland on July 15-19 and award application infromation will be update closer to this date. The Trainee Research Award recognizes the three best pre-doctoral and three best post-doctoral posters and the three best pre-doctoral platform presentations and the three best post-doctoral platform presentations. There are also funds available to assist with trainee travel. Learn here. In addition to support for SSR's meeting, they also provide funding to attend other meetings related to reproductive biology research. See the full list and application instructions here.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) can support your career path as an independent researcher through their interactive guides that show step-by-step the paths to becoming a physician-scientist, veterinarian-scientist, dentist-scientist, or research-scientist. The guides have more information available for each career stage and which NIH programs are most suitable. Check out the NIH Research Training and Career Development site to read more.


USAID's Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) has developed publicly available e-learning courses in which learners engage with CII team member avatars, embedded videos, interactive case studies, animations, and downloadable resources. This includes a featured course titled Market Shaping and Introduction Planning for Global Health Training.


The Male Contraceptive Initiative (MCI) Fellowship Program provides $200,000 of support annually (up to two years) for graduate and postdoctoral trainees focusing on projects related to the research and development of male contraceptives. See the full listing for more information, including eligibility and application details. MCI also offers the Beverly Tucker Award, which provides up to $5,000 to support a student or professional residing outside of the United States to travel internationally for the purposes of career development related to male contraception.

MCI supports the career development of graduate and postdoctoral trainees directly through their Success program. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for any activity or need that advances the career of a trainee interested in the field of male contraception including travel grants, digital conferences, workshops, and other professional development opportunities. Apply here.


The Reproductive Health Access Project offers the Reproductive Health Care and Advocacy Fellowship. This one-year fellowship aims to develop leaders who will promote and teach full-spectrum reproductive health care within family medicine. Applicants must be board-certified or board-eligible family physicians who will have completed residency training in the United States. Access the full listing here.


For more learning opportunities, the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition offers more than 650 training opportunities in supply chain management through the LAPTOP course-finder database (pictured below). The new and improved database includes offerings in more than five languages across 80 countries.


The Population Council offers yearly fellowships including a Clinical Research Fellow which provide the opportunity to work collaboratively with a team of scientists, project managers, and regulatory professionals at CBR, with Population Council researchers and administrators around the world, and with professional colleagues outside the Council. Applicants are usually required to have a medical degree and/or master’s level training with a focus on epidemiology, biostatistics, or another related field or relevant work experience. Fellowship information and updates will be updated throughout the year here and you can request additional information from


The Guttmacher Institute opens applications every spring for its Cory L. Richards Memorial Scholarship, which supports the development of future leaders dedicated to advancing public policy related to sexual and reproductive health and rights. The scholarship is a one-time award of $20,000 to subsidize study toward a master’s degree in public health or public policy at an accredited institution in the United States. Learn more about the award and application details




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