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Webinar Series: Experimental Methods and Techniques in Reproduction


The Experimental Methods and Techniques in Reproduction series aims to provide SSR membership with webinars on important experimental methods in the field. The webinars will be technical, with a focus on a method rather than research. They will include brief scientific background regarding the method principle, detailed step-by-step strategy, applicability, and examples of studies done with the use of the technique. All speakers will be invited to submit a protocol paper for publication in Biology of Reproduction and this paper will be available for viewing/download on the SSR website and PubMed at no charge. Upcoming webinars inclde:

Serial Sampling of Epididymal Sperm in Mice

May 18, 2022 [5-6 pm EDT]

Speaker: Gonzalo Moreno Del Val, PhD

(Moderator, Miguel Brieno-Enriquez)

Mice are the most commonly used animal model for studying human disease. However, in the reproductive biology area, its use has always presented the problem of obtaining in vivo sperm samples. The technique described in this webinar allows the serial extraction of sperm samples, facilitating the use of the mouse as a research tool.

Retinoic Acid Synchronization of Spermatogenesis May 25, 2022 [5-6 pm EDT]

Speaker: Michael Griswold, PhD

(Moderator, Monika Ward, Victor Ruthig)

This webinar will discuss the synchronization of spermatogenesis by manipulating retinoic acid availability is an advantage for molecular studies of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium and isolation of germ and Sertoli cells at different stages of development.

Recapitulating folliculogenesis and oogenesis outside the body: encapsulated in vitro follicle growth June 15, 2022 [ 5-6 pm EDT]

Speaker: Francesca Duncan, PhD

(Moderator, Jane Fenlon)

The follicle is the functional unit of the ovary consisting of the oocyte and its surrounding companion granulosa cells. The processes of folliculogenesis and oogenesis are essential for the development of high quality gametes that can be fertilized and give rise to the next generation. Remarkably, these complex biological events can be fully recapitulated in vivo. In this webinar, we will describe a method of follicle culture that relies on encapsulation of isolated follicles in alginate hydrogels. This encapsulated in vitro follicle growth (eIVFG) system has been used successfully across multiple species, has provided unprecedented insights into follicle development and ovulation, and been applied to diverse contexts including modeling of ovarian physiology and pathology, fertility preservation, drug discovery and screening, toxicology assays, and beyond.


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