What's New in Contraceptive R&D Investments & Resources?
On August 26, 2020, Policy Cures Research and the CTI Exchange hosted a virtual event to review contraceptive R&D investments and resources. The event shared information about the launch of Policy Cures Research’s new G-FINDER report on R&D investment in sexual and reproductive health, and the CTI Exchange resources for understanding the current R&D landscape, including the refreshed contraceptive pipeline database, Calliope. A panel from FHI 360, Policy Cures Research, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation discussed the history and future of contraceptive R&D.
The event had participants from 20+ countries and 50+ organizations, representing the non-profit/NGO sector, academia, Ministries of Health, pharmaceutical companies, donors, and many more. Thank you to all who joined and contributed to an engaging discussion!
Weren't able to make it?
Quick links to the resources covered can be found below:
2020 G-FINDER report on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) R&D
Explore the data behind the report by checking out the G-FINDER data portal
Share the news about the report using the social media toolkit
Other relevant databases:
Contraceptive Infertility Target DataBase (CTIDBase), maintained by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
MPT Product Development Database, maintained by the Initiative for Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (IMPT)
Biology of Reproduction Contraceptive R&D special issue
CTI Exchange
Blog series, including "Not all Bad: Rethinking Contraceptive Side Effects"
Twitter: @ctiexchange
LinkedIn: CTI Exchange
Email: cti@fhi360.org
Policy Cures Research
Twitter: @PCuresResearch
LinkedIn: Policy Cures Research
Email: info@policycuresresearch.org